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Welcome To The Marvelous World

Welcome to the Marvelous blog. We the Marvelous are From University Tunku Abdul Rahman Year 3 Semester 1. Our Group consist of 3 members included myself Eric known as Marvelous number 1. Sathiyasilan as Marvelous number 2 and Hon Fei as Marvelous number 3. Our Blog explain about how are we going to deal with our weekly assignment title about E-Commerce. Please anjoy and hope our information may help you all to gain more knowledge about E-Commerce

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Review on My E-Commerce blog (week 4)

After reviewing http://ecommerze.blogspot.com/search/label/Internet%20Security I realize that how dangerous computer viruses and the different types of viruses may have different type of threat to our computer. According to the sites, among 130mil population internet user in China there one million of them got infected by viruses.

We should be proud that our Malaysian government has spend an amount of RM43 million to set up an International Multinational Partnership against Cyber terrorism. This centre offers the world best brain and facilities to help fight cyber security threat by eliminating viruses that roaming in the internet in our country.

On the other hand, Spamming is also one of the internet threats where its function is flooding of electronic mail systems with “junk e-mail”. Also known as unsolicited bulk messages sent through the electronic messaging systems. There are various types of spam such as PDF Spam, Piggyback Spam, and Greeting Card Spam where each of them pays a different role of their own.
Downloading movies or even mp3 in the internet may cause a threat because you may invite unwanted hackers hack into your computers. For example, one of the military pentagons was hacked and taken of 1500 emails account offline. After the incident, the US military band using e-mail anymore. Not only PC, mobile phone also is a victim Malware or known as mobile malicious software that act like a virus attack in your mobile phone.

In conclusion, we should use the internet wisely in order to prevent virus attack. Install a reliable anti virus software.

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