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Welcome To The Marvelous World

Welcome to the Marvelous blog. We the Marvelous are From University Tunku Abdul Rahman Year 3 Semester 1. Our Group consist of 3 members included myself Eric known as Marvelous number 1. Sathiyasilan as Marvelous number 2 and Hon Fei as Marvelous number 3. Our Blog explain about how are we going to deal with our weekly assignment title about E-Commerce. Please anjoy and hope our information may help you all to gain more knowledge about E-Commerce

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Prepaid Card - "Touch and Go" "Smart Tag" ( Week 5 )

Prepaid card is far from a new idea. A prepaid card looks like a credit or debit card, and gives users the ability to purchase products and services with a card but with a crucial difference - you can only spend the balance that has been preloaded onto the card. This means there is no risk of running into debt as it has no credit or overdraft facility. Examples of a prepaid card in our country are the “Touch and Go”.

Touch and Go or another more advanced card for travel the Smart Tag which is a type of credit card that are widely use by Malaysian. “PLUS” highway has come out with this service in order to convenience user during traveling. Money can be loaded on to a prepaid card by cash at a bank, Post Office, or even by another credit card. The function of touch and go is that user may pay for the highway toll faster by just tab on the card on the sensor to direct credit the toll amount. This may reduce traffic jam on the highway.

Smart Tag is another prepaid card that is slightly advanced than touch and go. You don’t have to even stop in order to pay the tolls. There is a mechanical device where you just insert the touch and go card there and place it on top of the front dash box. Whenever you paying the toll, all you have to do is just drive through the toll. The device in your car will directly connect with the sensor means that the payment is credited.